Core System DX Promotion Division
Overview of Core System DX Promotion Division
The division is established to establish and operate common and fundamental systems that support the overall business operations and management of the Foundation.
We are working to improve operational efficiency through the application procedures for users of synchrotron radiation experiments and through the use of IT for internal operations.
- Operation of the User Information website that supports everything from application for experimental assignments to publication of results.
- Development and operation of information system infrastructure for internal operations and advanced information security measures
For web systems, we carry out interviews with operational departments, requirements definition, database design, production process management, system implementation, and operational testing. After the start of operation, we will maintain the IT infrastructure, monitor operations, and reflect improvements. Regarding information security, we work to protect against information leaks and loss by implementing endpoint security measures for in-house computers, warnings and alerts against phishing emails.
- Systems under maintenance and operation
・User Information website
・Administrative business system
・Server computers and virtual server environments for running each system
Key member
Saji Choji