User selection services
As the Registered Institution for Facilities Use Promotion, JASRI selects users of SPring-8/SACLA and NanoTerasu in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Public Utilization of the Specific Advanced Large Research Facilities and on the basis of the opinions of the Selection Committee.
- Research proposals for various research areas are called for twice a year, in principle.
- The submitted proposals are reviewed and selected by committees and subcommittees in accordance with their categories. If the proposals are approved, the researchers are permitted to use the appropriate beamlines.
- The submitted proposals are reviewed by more than 300 committee members and referees.
*The above chart shows the selection work for SPring-8/SACLA.
JASRI maintains websites to provide users with the necessary information on the application of research proposals and the implementation of experiments and an easy access to these procedures. If you are interested in using SPring-8/SACLA, please access SPring-8 User Information or SACLA User Information.
History of systems for use of SPring-8 public beamlines
Various systems for the use of beamlines have been devised to suit the social and political needs of the time.
Numbers of submitted and approved proposals for SPring-8 public beamlines
JASRI reviews about 1,000 submitted proposals per half-year.
Number of users at SPring-8 public beamlines and contract beamlines (number of unique users)
Nearly 5,000 researchers use SPring-8 every year. JASRI provides support to these users through guidance on user procedures, radiation use procedures, and experiment-related procedures such as those for delivery of samples and equipment, and the arrangement of research promotion facilities (accommodations for users).
Number of SPring-8 users, *“Those who have not visited SPring-8 in the past five years” are defined as new users.