Research activities and achievements
Articles published by beamline staff
Average number of articles (2016): 5.18 articles/year
(Average number of articles published by each of the 75 researchers from Research & Utilization Division, Industrial Application Division, Protein Crystal Analysis Division, and XFEL Utilization Division of JASRI)
Articles published by all research staff members of JASRI
Almost all members of the research staff have completed a degree and are involved in research activities.
Number of articles published during the period from 1995 to Mar. 31, 2017 : 4,771Top 12 domestic research institutes according to Nature Index 2016(not including universities)
Nature Index, published by the Nature Publishing Group (NPG), is derived from 68 high-impact journals covering natural sciences that are selected by researchers from all over the world. The institutes are ranked by the number of articles that appeared in those journals per year (article count; AC) and the contribution of authors to those articles (weighted fractional count; WFC).
Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2016, Survey as of Dec. 2017
Normalized WFC is also published by the NPG, which is a standardized index of high quality scientific publications from Japanese institutions based on the Nature Index.
Reference: Nature Index 2018 Japan Tables
Use of beamtime by JASRI staff
In accordance with Article 12 of the Act on the Promotion of Public Utilization of the Specific Advanced Large Research Facilities, JASRI staff members use SPring-8/SACLA for the purpose of investigative research. The graph below shows the percentage of beamtime of all public beamlines used by JASRI staff. Almost half of the research projects carried out by JASRI staff are those approved by the Proposal Review Committee, just like the research projects carried out by general users of public beamlines; the remainder are in-house research projects that are carried out within the beamtime allocated for improving the performance and conditioning of beamlines.
Key research projects undertaken by JASRI staff
JASRI staff carries out research projects for improving the performance of beamlines on the basis of advice from the Advisory Committee on Science and Technology, in partnership with user organizations such as the SPring-8 Users Community (SPRUC) and the Industrial Users Society of SPring-8 (IUSS), and in cooperation with RIKEN. The outcomes of the public beamline performance improvement projects and the development research achieved by JASRI staff are published regularly in Section C of SPring-8/SACLA Research Reports.
Examples of key research and development projects
- Improvement of usability in protein crystal diffraction measurement
- Realization of soft X-ray beamline for windowless experiments under normal atmospheric conditions, Enabling of practical use of X-ray phase imaging
- Realization of nanoapplications in infrared spectroscopy
- Application of soft X-ray spectroscopy to study magnetic properties
- Realization of time-resolved measurement utilizing pulse characteristics of synchrotron radiation, Development of nondestructive nanoimaging techniques
- Miniaturization of photoelectron spectroscopic measurement system
Magnetic domain evolution in Nd–Fe–B:Cu sintered magnet visualized by scanning hard X-ray microprobe
Dr. Motohiro Suzuki (JASRI) (Acta Mater., 2016)
Antimony accelerates rewriting of information in DVD media!
Dr. Shinji Kohara (JASRI)
(Adv.Func.Mat., 2012)
Wing-beat mechanism revealed by ultrafast X-ray movies
Ph.D. Hiroyuki Iwamoto (JASRI)
(Science, 2012)
Remarkable magnetic waves triggered by laser-pulse irradiation
Dr. Takuo Ohkochi (JASRI)
(Appl. Phys. Express, 2017)